What a dynamic Conference Weekend, we just had in the Cork International Hotel. We welcomed speakers: Drs. Jennifer & Simon Floreani, (Spain) Dr. Sean McCaffrey (USA) & Dr. Tom Waller (UK). Each gave a riveting presentation – with hands on technique demonstrations. Updating our delegates on the latest Chiropractic research, while celebrating CAI’s 40th Anniversary 1983-2023. We also welcomed our Trade Stands: Mullersport, OHI International, Optiback Probiotics, Atlas Clinical, McTimoney Chiropractic College and Oaktree Financial Services and Nutri Advanced.
Great reviews from delegates who attended, CAI members and non-members, including delegates from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, UK and Dubai. What a wonderful experience, while updating Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. Conviviality ensued with a special dinner Saturday evening, great opportunity to meet up with colleagues. Thank you to all delegates, speakers and trade stands for making this Conference, one to remember. Plans underway already for our 2024 CAI Conference…..more details to follow.