What a fabulous turn out at our recent CAI Conference at the Osprey Hotel, Naas Co. Kildare.  We were delighted to host the dynamic speakers: Dr. Matthew Loop, Dr. Brad Glowaki, Dr. Simon Billings and Jacqueline Kelly.  All our delegates were excited to hear them speak and enjoyed receiving updates on the latest Chiropractic research. We thank our Vendors for supporting our Conference: Mullersport, IOC Save, McTimoney Chiropractic College, Nutri Advanced, O’ Leary Insurance Group, Celtic SMR, Back Aware Belt and Integrative Therapy. It was such fun catching up with our colleagues at dinner on… Read More

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RTE MORNING IRELAND INTERVIEWS CAI PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS – More people with neck and back pain during pandemic

More people presented with back and neck problems during Covid-19, according to Irish physiotherapists and chiropractors. Rise in back and neck problems during pandemic CLIP • 5 MINS • 17 FEB • MORNING IRELAND – Andrew Doody is the President of the Chiropractic Association of Ireland, which represents around 120 registered chiropractors here. “Particularly in the early stages, and there was an increase in acute type cases and people presenting with debilitating back pain, either neck pain, low back pain, headaches and then as the pandemic kind of wore on and the lockdowns… Read More

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All members of the Chiropractic Association of Ireland, are also members of the European Chiropractic Union, (ECU).  Our members keep up to date with the latest news of the profession around Europe via the ECU. The Autumn 2021 edition of the fully digital ECU BACKspace magazine has been published and you can find it via the following link:

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Chiropractic Association of Ireland Radiology Review

Course Date Start: 9th November 2021 @ 19:30pm End: 9th November 2021 @ 21:30pm Course Location Online live zoom webinar Online, Ireland Course Description This 2 hour live webinar will cover imaging of spinal stenosis, nerve root entrapment, discal lesions and scoliosis. Etiologies, various pathologies and imaging choices will be discussed. Therapeutic considerations in scoliosis management will also be considered. The webinar is presented by: Dr. Marshall Deltoff Marshall Deltoff, DACBR, FCCR (Can), FEAC, is a 1983 honours graduate of the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto. He has over 30 years of academic, clinical… Read More

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CAI Annual Conference 28th & 29th September, 2019 – Dublin

Members of the CAI and visiting Chiropractors from Northern Ireland, England and Canada attended our educational Conference.  Many brought their Chiropractic Assistants for a specialised training session. Our dynamic speakers kept us all captivated with the latest information and research.  Our delegates left the conference, with valuable information that can be utilised in their practices, immediately; to enhance patient care. See below, photographs of our dynamic Speakers and Vendors – Trade Stands.  Plans are afoot to schedule next years Annual Conference….watch this space for details.  We welcome Chiropractors from around the world every year.

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Chiropractic care is based on science.

News Alert: Letter to the Editor of the Irish Times, from the President of the Chiropractic Association of Ireland. This is in response to an article published May 14th, has hit top place in Google News search ranking; for key word ‘Chiropractic’.…/chiropractic-care-is-based-on-… A GOOD DAY FOR CHIROPRACTIC IN IRELAND AND THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. It is also nice to know our national newspaper, sees both sides of the story.

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EPIC – WFC & ECU Congress 18th to 23rd March – BERLIN – GERMANY

President of the Chiropractic Association, Dr. Tony Accardi, attended the Worldwide Congress for Chiropractic entitled EPIC; which stands for Evidence based, Patient Centred, Interprofessional and Collaborative approach to spinal care. This program, held in Berlin, Germany; was a joint effort by the World Federation of Chiropractic and the European Chiropractors Union  900 Chiropractors attended from around the EU and the world, from Canada, Chile, Hong Kong and Japan to name a few. Japan is the location of the next WFC meeting in 2021. The next ECU meeting, will be in Utrecht 22-24 May… Read More

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