ECU PRESENTATION IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – CAI President Dr. Tony Accardi, will be in attendance.

TUESDAY 19th of FEBRUARY: The CAI invited three of our Irish MEP’S:  Mairead McGuinness and Lynn Boylan have kindly accepted our invitation to attend. You can watch it from the comfort of your home or office as we have arranged for live streaming of the event with the kind assistance of our host MEP Mr. Miltiadis Kyrkos. The event starts at 12:00 local time (GMT+1). You can tune in to Mr. Kyrkos’ FB profile to watch the event live, make sure to share in order to spread the word and as long as you… Read More

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Click the following link for Registration and Accommodation: Not Just a Congress – An Experience! Welcome to EPIC2019! Once again, the World Federation of Chiropractic and the European Chiropractors’ Union are joining forces to deliver an exceptional Congress that you will not want to miss. The theme of our Congress is EPIC2019: Global Opportunities in Spine Care. Why EPIC? The shift towards evidence-based, patient-centred, interprofessional and collaborative approaches to spine care provides the perfect framework for promoting ways in which chiropractors can maximise the available opportunities as spinal health experts. Berlin is one of… Read More

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