Chiropractors who wish to work in Ireland need a work permit if they are not EU citizens or otherwise entitled to work within the EU.
Work permit applications are made by employers to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment see Before a prospective employer can make an application, the employee must join the CAI. To get more information about working as a chiropractor in Ireland, please email the CAI.
Citizens of New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada or Hong Kong aged between 18-30 who are qualified chiropractors, can get a working holiday visa for Ireland. This lasts for one year but you can only work for any one employer for three months. More information is available at:
Insurance in Ireland, is normally via the scheme that the CAI has negotiated for and on behalf of it’s members. You can get more detail on insurance issues by emailing us.
Note that you must allow AT LEAST two weeks for a membership application to be processed. The CAI endeavours to process membership applications speedily but a number of documents are required including original graduation certificates, certified birth certificate, personal and professional references etc. Please contact the CAI for a full list of requirements: